
听英语翻译器在线翻译为什么,听英语翻译器在线翻译对比 One time, while taking my daughter to the playground, I noticed that one little girl was playing all by herself, and the others were avoiding her like the plague.

It was evident to all some medical condition was going on. This little girl suffered from dwarfism. She had reddish-brown hair growing out of her back and arms and didn’t follow the standard definition of beauty.

My daughter saw that others were avoiding her. She walked up to her (unprodded, I might add) and introduced herself. Then she asked if she could play with her. The little girl’s face lit up, and the two began to play together.

I turned to see a woman crying nearby. She saw me noticing and said, “You raised your daughter right. All these other kids shunned her. Yours went past appearances and made her feel welcome.” I thanked her for the compliment, and we stood there in silence just watching two little girls having the time of their lives.

When we left, I told my daughter that I was proud of her. She asked, “For what?”

“Because you looked past appearances and saw the person inside.”

She looked at me like I had two heads. She didn’t see what the big deal was. A girl was playing alone, and she decided to play with her so she wasn’t lonely.

Her cluelessness to the niceness she showed is the most innocent (and selfless) thing I’ve ever seen anybody do.

EDIT: I had a picture of my lovely daughter put up, but I took it down, as wisely someone said it wasn’t a good idea and you never know where the picture might end up. But thanks for all the wonderful compliments!
